I just recently read this blog where the writer (a 20 y.o. Finnish girl) said out loud that she's saving for silicone breasts and that she thinks everyone should do whatever they can to improve their looks by surgigal means. She also stated that her concept of beauty is exceptionally good and therefore she should be the judge in all kinds of beuty contests. Her idea of beuty or a beautiful woman is thus someone with plastic all over and fake this and that (cos few of us has it all by birth).
That's kinda sad, really.
Also, I just a moment ago ran into the portfolio of a model who does mainly nudes and has really small tits. And I wanted to praise her for what she's doing! She didn't even try to make her boobs look bigger, but more so she had a lot of stretches that made her titties disappear alltogether! That, my friends, I'd call brave!
One photographer once told me I look "manly" (that's the exact word he used) if I don't be careful with my breast during the shoot. At the time I said nothing, I was more like.. whattahell he just said? But later, now that I think of it, that fuckin idiot! Who says that to a model!? And besides, the pose wasn't anything where the boob would disappear from stretching or the like. I was sitting on a girly fashion on the floor with a skirt on.. my hair was covering my bare breasts. Oh well. I don't need to shoot with thoughtless people like that again. And truth be told, I never said anything to him about this discomfort.. and that kinda bugs me.
Also on this one web site out of the pics I chose to be sent in, only one was published -and that one was definately not the one with an aforementioned stretching pose where my tit had reduced to a nip. I mean, out of maybe a 5-10 pics they chose one to show on the site and that one they chose was, in my opinion, far worse than the one with the disappeared tit. And the only cause for that, that I can think of, is the lack of tit. Hmm.. well, this is just speculation. Might not've been that reason really.. But just a thought.
Anyway. I didn't mean to sound like a bitter chick with itty bitty titties. I meant to sound like someone who embraces her small tits, wouldn't change them for a million and seriously wishes and hopes that other girls and women with not so humongous set of jugs would appreciate their set of pretty little ones^^. And mind you, I don't mean to say the big titted ladies should feel less appreciative toward their own boobies! And I don't mean to say I loathe silicones or the people who want/have them. I just don't like the idea that everyone should look like the copy of each other! A copy of some perfect fantasy woman who, in the end, does not even excist.
If a photographer wants to shoot with me, they should know I don't have a D-cup - and that's apparent if they'd take a minute to check my portfolio (eg. on MM I have semi nudes as well where you can see the state of affairs). If a photographer needs to worry about me looking manly if my tits won't be right there on the pic.. I can just hope they wouldn't work with me in the first place.
Ooookay. Now all photographers are on the alert when shooting toppless with me.. x) Well, no need. Of course a photographer can tell me to move here or there to get my tits on the pic better or something like that. Just.. just that, well, you should know, I have smaller tits than some, but for me it's not a hindrance or a lack and it shouldn't be to you either.
There, I said it. You can hate me now;).
And here's an angry face and a bit of a tit.
(By Arto Soini, last winter.)

Hooray for small tits!! ^^
ReplyDeleteMany times it's easier to make small tits look good in pictures than large ones. =) Let's shoot more tits - they deserve recognition!! :D
ReplyDeleteWell, Arto, I didn't mean quite that either.. shooting nekked ladies for the sake of nekked ladies wasn't my point at all here. I could write another rant about that though. x)
ReplyDeleteI´ll take small, beautiful breasts over huge melons anytime.
ReplyDeleteDon't love your breasts because they are small, love them because they are beautiful! You are a work of art from head to toe!!!
ReplyDeleteHmm.. I didn'tknow that I said that. O.o I think everyone should love their tits whatever they look like! (And consider themselves a work of art for that matter!)
ReplyDeleteOh and Anonymous: Thank you. :D
ReplyDeleteManly??? I've only seen a few pictures of you, but "manly" does not describe you at all!!! Actually, I think you radiate a feminine beauty that any (smart) photographer would appreciate being able to work with!
ReplyDeleteStay strong and don't let the rude people get to you!
:D That's what he said. Although, English wasn't his native tongue, so..
ReplyDeleteAnd I do not think of myself as manly either. x) I was just pretty dumbfound that someone should say that to anyone. O.o
Aaaaand, thank you Robert for the compliments! :)