23 September 2011

Purple latex

A couple of weeks ago we did a roadtrip in my friends' van to Tampere to do a latex show with Tiina Rikala in Tampere Fetish Factory -event. It was fun as always. :D Tiina often has her friends over to do the show and I must say she sure has a good taste in friends. :D I love meeting new people and having fun after the show at the party. Tiina's shows are also never (at least when I've been there) the usual kin of runway-shows, but involve a plot and some sort of storyline. This time we had a sircus theme going on with ringmaster leading the show, clown in a straitjacket on a wheelchair dancing with a more cheerful n' cute clown, lion tamer - who didn't manage to tame the lioness all that well - and a sexy burlesque finale. My role with another girl was to be some kind of a doll or circus princess (no brains lookin cute and waving a rhythmic gymnastics ribbon) :D hehee. I guess if it as possible we'd danced on a rope, but obviously not, so we had the ribbons instead. I wish I had pictures of the whole group, but I only got some of me taken in studio setting - and sadly without the awesome ribbon. :( Luckily I got to keep the ribbon. It's so much fun! :D

Yeah yeah, blaablaa, gimme the pics already! These are pretty much un-edited raw pics taken by the owner of the van and fellow model of the show, the lion tamer (the lion being his girlfriend), Sami Maanpää (his Flickr). Oh btw, he's also the dude that cuts my hair. :D A multitalent I guess (also a musician, here's his band!). x)

(c) Sami Maanpää 2011
We took these pics in a bit of a hurry. It's too bad we never have the proper time to do the photoshoot. It's always so hectic before the show: everybody getting dressed, doing hair and make up to themselves and to eachother.. I did my make up myself. Tiina gave me the huge eyelashes and attached some rhinestones to my temples. I love the dress. I love purple and the cut is so awesome!

(c) Sami Maanpää 2011

20 September 2011

Silent street at night

Or not so silent afer all. Anyway, we were shooting with Sami - needed to wait for the perfect rainy, but not too rainy, weather. Here are some samples in the form of making of pics and two three final end products. More to come.

Antti was assisting and took photographs while we were shooting with Sami. Antti's web page here.

(c) Antti
(c) Antti

Here are some actual shots..

(c) Sami Saarenpää 2011
Some passers by may have gotten a story to take home as they were driving past. A half nekkid lady with two dudes shooting her in her underwear and a jacket.. O.O OMG!

(c) Sami Saarenpää 2011
We had to shoot really quick and then jump out of the street so as not to get hit by cars. The photographer now really needed to guide the model to save her from being hit by a car! Hah! We were shooting so that the cars were coming behind me, so it was a bit difficult to concentrate at times. Also the trafiic that was pretty heavy at times didn't helt either. Not to mention the light rain and the cold wind. <3 Gotta luv these outdoor shoots! x) Hehee.

Okay, one more, and we'll wait to get more pics from Sami. :D

(c) Sami Saarenpää 2011
Edit: I only just now noticed (it's 23rd) that I had accidentally put a making of -pic here as the last one. Now it's the one it's supposed to be! :)

2 September 2011

Photoshoot in the woods

(c) Larso Johnson 2011

Remember I went to Helsinki a while back to do photoshoots? This was one of them. Went to Espoo to shoot with Lars Johnson.

(c) Lars Johnson 2011

Aaaand this is what came out of it. Feel the 80s? I think it's the combo of my hair, fish net and beads/pearls whatever they are:D. Oh by the way, thanks Jeve, for lending the pearls. :) (Lend, borrow..?)

(c) Lars Johnson 2011

Check out Lars's work here on his web site.

(c) Lars Johnson 2011

Tomorrow I'm heading to Tampere Fetish Factory to do another Latex by Tiina Rikala show. :) I've been trying to learn to use the rhythmic gymnastics ribbon lately.. ;) We'll see how that turns out in the show Circue du Decadence. Pics coming of course. Hopefully of the show as well.


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