9 June 2011

One morning

A shoot before going to work in the early mornign. Well for Sami I guess it was late morning, since he's more of a morning person than me.

(c) Sami Saarenpää 2011

(c) Sami Saarenpää 2011

It took me a while to start liking this one (below).. maybe because I look somehow so raw. I don't know what I mean by raw exactly, but that's the word that comes to my mind just now looking at this.

(c) Sami Saarenpää 2011
This is a bit different kind of Sami, don't you think? And maybe even a bit different kind of me.. What do you think of these? I believe there's also more of these coming.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking raw, yes, but also kinda soft. SoftER, perhaps :) Vulnerable? In a way. To me you look also somehow more adult in that pic. Or something. Your eyes try to say something. It's hard to put in words, like you said! It's definitely different. Good different, though.

    The atmosphere of the first pic is lovely, too ^^


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